Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ptlls Level 3 Free Essays

string(78) " the learners and planned and designed y course I will proceed to deliver it\." ASSESSMENT 1 a. Explain what your actual or perceived role, responsibilities and boundaries are as a teacher in terms of the teaching cycle. Why are these necessary? b. We will write a custom essay sample on Ptlls Level 3 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Identify the legislative requirements and codes of practice that directly impact on your teaching. c. Identify the legislative requirements and codes of practice that directly impact on your learning environment. ANSWERS 1. 1. †¢ Explain what your actual or perceived role, responsibilities and boundaries are as a teacher in terms of the teaching/training cycle. I intend to continue to be a trainer in management and in the security sector. The role, responsibilities and boundaries of a trainer are ever changing and adapting to changes in the society. It is more than simply lecturing and marking students works. Learners come from different backgrounds and with different problems, hopes and expectations which have to be understood and addressed before effective learning can take place. As such in addition to my primary role of being a facilitator, I will have to play the roles of parent, psychologist, protector, motivator, role models to some learners. I will also have to collaborate with some agencies and organisations in order to facilitate effective learning. Boundaries are anything that may have direct impact to my teaching or delivery. This may include time constrains, my subject knowledge, the size of my class and location of the training room, the ability to cater for students with learning disabilities. In this I must have a reasonable evaluation to know what I can do and what are outside my ability and to call for supports. Reece and Walker describe a modern teacher as being a facilitator. Unlike the traditional teaching methods which encourage learners just to be talk into, the modern method places more emphasis on the ability of the teachers to motivate and encourage students to be actively involved in the process of discovery, exploitation of issues and be able to think around the subject matters without being a mere regurgitation of given facts (Reece Walker, 2002, P4). For this to take place, I will have to be able to facilitate an environment where learners fill safe and without any feelings of internal or external threats, discriminations or insensitivity to language or cultural barriers to learning. Coffield, F (2008) supports this line of thought when it states that teaching and learning are not separate activities but â€Å"intertwined elements of a double sided, interactive process† which is enabled by the understanding and implementation of the key stages of the teaching/training cycle. The Constructivism theory (Jean Piaget, 1967), also support this line of reasoning. Despite the ever expanding or the elastic roles of trainers, it is essential that in order to be effective at impacting knowledge and to act within the law, trainers are aware of their roles, responsibilities and boundaries. In this respect, they are guided by the teaching/training cycle which provides a systematic approach to teaching and a cohesive structure within which roles, responsibilities and boundaries can be assessed and reflected upon (Gravells, 2010: 11). Gravells (2008) describes teaching as a cycle made up of five points- Identify needs and planning, designing, facilitating/deliver, assessing, and evaluating. When planning to train learners, I would be guided by the teacher’s cycle. I will first seek to identify needs; training is about satisfying needs, therefore a good beginning point at preparing a training programme is to know the task to be performed. I will then identify the existing skills possess by learners and then produce the training content that would be required in order to close the known gap. This is known as training-needs-analysis. Information about the existing ability of learners can be drawn using various methods such as asking them to complete purposely designed application forms and or questionnaire, or through telephone or direct interviews. The initial assessment would give me the opportunity to identify needs and provide me with a starting point to plan the course with regards to the pace of delivery and resources to be used and in collaboration with the learner to formulate an individual learning plan (IPL). Overall, this information would help me to plan my content and delivery strategies. These have some advantages: i. Understanding the learners learning styles can make my course to be engaging. Flemming (1987) noted three different styles of learning; visual, kinaesthetic and aural. In order to know which method(s) to use to benefit my students the first lesson on my course will centre around discussions on what they already know, the resources they are familiar with, and a learning style questionnaire which will provide me with information on preferred learning styles. Effectiveness can also be enhanced if I adapt my teaching style to give maximum benefit to learners. ii. Another important factor I must consider when identifying the needs of my learners is their learning process. A commonly used theory of learning process is that of Kolb (1984) who describes four different stages of the learning process as; Concrete experience, observation and reflection, abstract conceptualisation, and active experimentation. This theory particularly gained insight into the fact that greater understanding is achieved by learners when different and appropriate means are deployed to teach the same concept. Plan and Design Plan and Design of training involves defining and meeting the aims and objectives of my course, preparing the environment, suitable delivery resources, methods and handouts. Planning and design of the lesson will require myself to study the aims, objectives and the set learning criteria set by the awarding body which I may be dealing with. I will state what the learners would learn, what I will do to support learning, what the training will cover and learning outcomes. My scheme of work will be practical and motivating. I will ensure that the working environments are safe and conducive for learning. I will also ensure that all the equipment needed for the course is made available on time. Deliver Once I have identified the needs of the learners and planned and designed y course I will proceed to deliver it. You read "Ptlls Level 3" in category "Papers" I will seek to use the learning methods that enhance their ability to achieve the most from the course. My teaching style would be mainly andragogical because, been an apprentice is a hand’s on role, this will allow the learner to carry out the task therefore learning the theory and learning how to apply those theories. In terms of learning styles, I will deploy all the three styles; visual, audio and kinaesthetic. I would deliver the theory, view videos and show practical examples and give the learner the opportunity to carry out the task themselves. I will allow my assessment of the group to determine the ice breaker to use, but my objective will be to run an inclusive training through the distribution of ability and cultural mix and to encourage them to fill free to communicate and to get to know me and each other. I will also define my pace and pitch of delivery, which will be influenced by the learning needs of the students and group dynamics. In setting my ground rules, I will be guided by two factors; the safety of all parties involved in the learning process. This will required that some rules are rigidly implemented. I will also be guided by the need to involve learners in negotiation over other issues, such as answering mobile phone, leaving early, etc. Assessment The delivery of courses will be followed by assessments to determine if learning has taken place, the level of understanding and to check if training strategy and tactics are appropriate. Various methods can be employed, such as setting group work which test understanding, direct questions and interview with learners. Another method to use in evaluation is the use of questionnaire. This allows for more truthful responses as these could be filled in independently and without the learner’s name. Evaluation is a hugely important part of the process specifically for me as this would allow me to identify any weakness and help me improve for the following modules. For all I will be asking for the course to be formally evaluated at the end of each module, I would make my learners feel confident that if there is any improvements they think I could make within the duration of the course they can approach me and make suggestions. Evaluation should be constant during the teaching process to ensure I am teaching to the best of my ability and the learners are learning to the best of theirs. ANSWER 1. 2. †¢ Identify the legislative requirements and codes of practice that directly impact on your teaching and learning environment. It is most essential that trainers are aware of key aspects of legislation and codes of practice that are relevant to their subject area and be able to put them into practice. This includes legislative requirements and codes of practice which determines what constitutes a suitable environment. A learning environment is an environment where teaching/training takes place. This could be a school, college or a building or room. But it should be suitable for the purpose because this is an important part of ensuring a successful session. It should for example, provide suitable access for all learners and sufficient toilet and refreshment facilities. As a Security and management trainer, the key aspects of current legislative requirements and codes of practice that are relevant to my subject area are as follows:- The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, The Disability Discrimination Act 2005, the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 and the Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK, 2008). a. The Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974 The main piece of legislation affecting the management of health and safety in educational establishments across all sectors is the Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974 (HSWA). This Act provides a framework for ensuring the health and safety of all employees in any work activity. It also provides for the health and safety of anyone who may be affected by work activities in e. g. pupils/students and visitors to educational sites, including parents and contractors. Employers and employees (as well as manufacturers, suppliers and the self-employed) must comply with the duties set out in the Act. This legislature is very important as trainers own a duty of care to learners and the need to provide a safe environment. b. The Disability Discrimination Act 2005 The Disability Discrimination Act 2005 is a piece of legislation that needs to be taken into account when teaching adults with learning disabilities. It provides legal rights for disable people in the areas of employment, education, access to goods, services and all facilities including larger clubs and land based transport services; buying and renting land property and functions of public bodies, for example, the issuing of licences. This piece of legislation ensures that all learners are given necessary adaptations to allow them to participate fully in their learning environment. This may be something as simple as ensuring the classroom has a wide enough areas for a wheelchair to pass through. c. The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 A compulsory part of the training in security is known as physical intervention. It involves teaching learners on how to arrest and hold people. I will be teaching learners in the different types of safe ways to hold suspected offenders. This will include lifting and physical handling of fellow trainers. The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 require employers to minimise the health risks associated with manual handling, a term used to describe activities which involve lifting, carrying, moving, holding, pushing, lowering, pulling or restraining an object, person or animal. Employers should, avoid the need to lift, carry, push, pull, lower or support loads wherever possible. They should mechanise such tasks where they cannot be avoided by the use of trolleys, barrows, lifts or hoists. They should carry out risk assessments, which take into account the work task, the activity involved, individual capacity, working environment and other factors. It is essential that as a trainer, I observe this legislature in order to safe guard the safety of the learners. e. Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK, 2008) As a trainer in the UK, I will be govern by Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK, 2008), the professional body responsible for the professional development of all those who work in further, higher and other areas of education. The body sets standards in six areas to guide a trainer like myself. The areas are: i. Professional Values and Practice ii. Learning and Teaching iii. Specialist Learning and Teaching iv. Planning for Learning v. Assessment for Learning and vi. Access and Progression. The professional values and practice area sets standards on values, part of which requires trainers to motivate learners to seek further develop. The learning and teaching section deals with the needs for the establishment of a purposeful learning environment for learners. Specialist learning and teaching area set out to ensure that trainers are aware of current legislation, their implications and be able to apply appropriate strategies to work with those who may require specialist training. The planning for learning section deals with the needs for trainer to be able to plan for their session and create an inclusive learning environment. Assessment for learning section deals with the needs for appropriate assessment and feedback from learner as a means to encouraging progression. Access and progression allows for the trainer to encourage and support the learner into further or appropriate courses or learning for the future. f. The Equality Act 2010 The Equality Act 2010 provides a legislative framework which protects the rights of individuals and advances equal opportunities for all without discriminations on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity. It’s protections extend to some groups not previously covered; this group now enjoys what is known as protected characteristic. In education and in training, it is a key part of the legislation that trainers must seek to enforce that learning and assessment must be accessible to all. The Equality Act 2010 The Data Protection Act 1998 is a United Kingdom Act of Parliament which states UK law on how to process data on identifiable living people and as such the protection of personal data. It was enacted to bring UK law into line with the European Directive of 1995 on the obligations of member states to protect people’s fundamental rights and freedoms and in particular their right to privacy with respect to the processing of personal data and in practice, it provides a way for individuals to control information about themselves. Its eight core principles states that personal data must be: processed fairly and lawfully and only for one or more specific and lawful purpose. The information collected shall be accurate and not excessive and not be kept longer than necessary for the defined possess. It shall also be processed in line with the rights of individuals in mind. Such information shall be secured and not transferred to countries where they cannot be made secured. As a trainer who will be dealing in handling personal data that belongs to others, I’m obliged to obey this law in all my dealings with students. ASSESSMENT 2 ANSWER 2. 1 Explain the ways in which you would establish ground rules with your learners, which underpin appropriate behaviour and respect for others. Ground Rules Ground Rules are a series of mutually agreed rules between the teacher and the learners, which are formulated for the direct benefit of all members of the group. They are mainly rules on rights and responsibilities of each member and team, which directly or indirectly contributes to the smooth running of the programme. They are rules within the existing laws and code of conducts. As my learners are expected to come from different backgrounds and reflect our multi-cultural society, the establishment of ground rules can go a long way toward contributing to the smooth running of my classes. It allows learners to be aware of rules, acceptable standards, practices and expectations throughout the course of tuition. Ultimately, rules are tutor’s responsibility and it takes the lead in leading the effort in setting the acceptable standard for the smooth running of the courses. But the success of cooperation varies and they are greatly influenced by the way those rules were set up. Using the style which favours the learning styles of the learners and their involvement in the process can go a long way toward securing greater cooperation and compliance. Using a cognitive domain (Bloom 1951 56), a trainer may simply tell the class ‘these are the rules, take it or live it’. It may have a measure of success but its effectiveness may be limited if it does not accommodate the learning styles of all learners. While a learner with preference for reflective style of learning (Honey and Mumford 1986) may find this appropriate, because they are able to listen and watch from the outside; learners with preference for a more activist role (Honey and Mumford 1986) may not get enough of activities and stimulation from such method and therefore unmotivated by it. Such learners may feel sideline from the rest and as such become disruptive and show less respect for others in the class. There are many ways in which a trainer can establish ground rules with his or her learners, however the trainer must be aware of their learner’s learning styles. Using a variety of activities and manners to determine ground rules could be effective as it then will reach out to a multitude of learners within the classroom. Ann Gravells (2008, pg 34) suggested that better results are achieved by andragogical approach (mainly learner centre) which allows learners to create their own ground rules; instead of rules being seen as imposed on them by an higher authority, it permits them to take ownership, as such responsibility and encourages empowerment as a result of which, more often than not, learners are likely to abide by those rules. In particular, this approach work well with individuals who use an aural style of learning (Fleming 1987) because they enjoy talking to others, while those who use a visual style of learning may find it less stimulating as they often prefer to observe rather than offer their opinion. Following an activity such as discussion regarding rules, feedback from the tutor would encourage positive behaviour from the learners and hence respecting others learning experiences. Skinner (1974) believed that the learner would repeat the desired behaviour if positive reinforcement were given. ANSWER 2. 2. †¢ Explain and describe the types of resources that you have available to meet the potential needs of your learners There are three main teaching resources; facilities, people, and materials and equipment. Most of the learners in the security sector are adults and the syllabus of what to teach, the number of ours to be assigned to each sector, such as trainings in class, physical exercises and the examinations to be taken have been designed by the Security Industry Authority, SIA. The content of the training to be instructed is also on the website of SIA, it is fairly standard with very little modifications to be carried in the choice of language; to accommodate the interest of the learners who have a poor master of the English language. All learners wishing to train with me will be required to complete an application form which will provide me with some information, such as their level of education and pass experiences. The review of this data will provide me with the information which will influence my modification of the choice of language used in the handout which will be supplied to learners. It will also afford me the opportunity to gauge the individual learning plan, in collaboration with the learners. It will provide valuable information for me in the planning of scheme of work and session plan. Some of the learners may have stayed out of education environment for a long time. Because of this they may not like reading and their listening span may be short. I will have consideration for all these factors when determining how reading-friendly the booklet should be, the intervals at which to have brakes, the icebreaker, the energiser and the pace and phase of delivery. In order to avoid giving one big handout which may put the learners off, I will give out two sets of handouts, one at the start of the lecture and the second will be giving out on the third day after the contents of the first had been covered and after I might have gone through each page with them to highlight the important points. The same will be done with the second handout, which will be shorter in order to allow them time to go through it. I may also have learners whom I’m either not competent to meet their needs or have the resources to meet their needs. In such instances, I will have to seek the support of organisations that are able to provide such needs. I will be failing in my duty if I do not correctly identify what I cannot provide. I will equally be failing in my duties if I identified such needs but failed to refer them to where they could get help. For example, it could be that a leaner has learning difficulties; this is an area which I am not qualified to handle. My duty then will be to seek the support of professional group such as the British Dyslexic society. Those with language problems will equally be assisted; some to attend evening classes, some of such courses are subsidise by the government. I can assist learners to contact their local government council for such help. I will also adopt a communication style that will assist them in getting this type of functional skill. Materials and equipment are the resources that trainers physically use during teaching. I will give out handouts because it would provide them with a lot of reading materials and reference points. It would assist in improving their reading and writing functional skills. Learners will benefit from the use of multimedia approach which combines beneficiary resources in the interest of learners. I will use Computer based interactive presentation programmes, such as PowerPoint, because it would provide learners with the opportunity to visually see some of the information in their handout and assist them when reading their handouts. I will use flip chart, so that both the learners and myself can use them whenever it is more convenient to write out information or for group work to be presented to the class. I will use information provided on CDs, Videos/DVDs; to assist in the presentation of case studies that are current or provided by professional organisations such as the fire service, searches carried out at Airports and CCTV images showing the management and control of crowds. I will use Newspaper articles because it will present learners with the opportunity to see the most current relevant information on subject matters. This will reinforce learning and provides them with the opportunity to be on the lookout for similar information. Role plays will be used to demonstrate how to carry out searches, how to man the entrance to a Club and how to communicate with customers. Physical objects/models will be used to allow learners to see examples and to come to the front of the class to make presentations. Photographs/posters showing the different warning signs and different types of power extinguishers will be made available to learners. I will also make available OHP screen and Market board. ANSWER 2. 3. †¢ Identify any other organisations which may be used as a referral point to meet the potential needs of the learners: British Dyslexic society for those with learning disabilities. ? To those with language barrier, I will refer them to organisations receiving funding of English for speakers of other languages (Esol) for support. ASSESSMENT 3 ANSWER 3. 1. †¢ Explain how you could promote, establish and maintain equality, diversity and inclusion within the classroom environment. More often than not, trainers will be looking after a ray of learners with different abilities, motivation and other forms of differentiations. In particular, on a typical SIA Door Supervisor Course, differences are often recorded on the basis of gender, education, age, sexual orientation, motivation, comprehension of English language, ethnicity, cultural and religious backgrounds. A trainer is faced with the challenges of ensuring that it delivers inclusive sessions which motivate all learners. Diversity Part of the inputs which promote inclusion for all learners through the structure of the session on my courses will be decided during the session plan construction phase. Some of the information gained from the initial assessment form completed by learners will have given me some information, such as the differences in age, ethnicity, social background, learning or physical disabilities and previous learning experiences of learners. On the basis of this information, I will be able to make a group analysis and the course or session can be devised to accommodate methods which can cater for their differences. The assemblage of learners whom because of their differences are able to see things from different perspectives crates an opportunity for me as a trainer to harness this opportunity so that learners can learn from each other, to see that each learner is appreciated and their talents utilised for the betterment of all. Moreover, it provides opportunities for a multidimensional approach to learning and for learners to appreciate the importance of team work. Inclusion The promotion of inclusiveness will always form part of my planning at the session plan stage. This will be base on the information received at the initial assessment. Additional updates will then be made after collecting additional information on the basis of engaging the learners in the classroom. Specific incidents of real or potential discrimination will also be address. It is quite common that that during trainings, learners tend to sit together on the basis of certain commonness or preferences which could be base on gender, culture, attitude, e. t. c. I will adopt the strategy of seeking to mix the group by increasing group work that encourages group challenges. I will also adopt the tactics of mixing the class on the basis of gender, culture, race, disabilities, abilities and motivation. I will also choose the most appropriate icebreakers to achieve objectives which promote inclusiveness and use different teaching methods to cater for the different needs in the class. The choice of various teaching methods will ensure that no group is excluded from participating in my class work. Equality Learners will be treated as individuals and not just one of those in a team or another leaner. My trainings will be designed and delivered in ways to accommodate and appreciate the fact that we all learn in different ways, we assimilate at different speeds and we are all talented in our own different ways. Every care will be taken to ensure that the class is for all and every participant benefits from my courses. Referral Mechanisms I will also recognise my boundary in my dealings with learners. If for example there are special needs learners that I do not have the ability to teach, I will refer such learner to other specialist. If I alone cannot cope with some of the practical work or I would need assistant, I will surely do this and prevent avoidable accidents. 3. 2. †¢ Explain ways to embed elements of Functional Skills, in your specialist area. In our multi-cultural and mixed ability society, three subject areas; English language, Mathematics and Communication Technology (I. C. T. ) have been identify critical and certain minimum levels of knowledge, skills and understanding of those subjects have been identified as essential for individuals to be able to operate confidently, effectively and independently s active member of our society. This can promote an inclusive society that is also competitive. In the SIA Security courses, I will be working with a lot of immigrants, who have been put into the margin of the society because of their inability to communicate well using the English language. Among them are people whom their knowledge of mathematics fall below the set standards of Level 2. Some are not confident and capable when using ICT systems and tools to meet a variety of needs in a range of contexts. Others will not be able to communicate well in English language. Among the migrants are some qualified professionals who are frustrated and unable to secure jobs due to language and cultural barriers. Either when dealing with the public or giving instructions internally, the ability to communicate is an essential factor in security. It is essential to be able to understand the time and to use the IT for simple task such as keeping records, log in and out, etc. i. I will teach English to this group, encourage active participation from them and show to them that being able to communicate well is an essential tool in the security field and it can make the difference between life and death, between keeping their job or not and an essential tool in achieving customer satisfaction. ii. I will incorporate group discussions where learners will practice English speaking skills. iii. I will set them written assessments where learners will be able to practice writing skills. iv. I will use PowerPoint in the classroom and give learners handouts so that they will be able to use their English reading skills. . I will ask them to complete accident reports, handover notes, and sick leave form and make radio and telephone calls. vi. I will introduce into the course problem solving schemes that allows learners to use their general maths skills. For example, in the teaching of the CCTV, learners will be encourage to record when images were recorded, how long it takes before certain events were concluded and how to keep log books. vii. Learners will be given half-a-day learning on how to operate the CCTV, including how to record images, using the keyboard and joy stick. viii. In group discussions, I will ensure that those who have a poor knowledge of the language are mixed with those who are good in it. This will encourage them to take greater interest and participation in the course and they will be better off than when they stick with people of their culture or who share similar limitations, and may not be in a position to assist them. ix. Using ICT with learners with disabilities has its own peculiar challenges. Since some of them have sensory or physical disabilities alongside learning disabilities, accessing the mouse and keyboard can often be a problem. It is often necessary to find alternative ways to interact with the computer. Using what is known as a tracker ball, which replaces the mouse for people with poor manual dexterity can be helpful. Also, the employment of keyboard with larger keys can be helpful for learners who have poor motor skills. Learners with learning disabilities who do not have reading or writing skills may be assisted with the use of symbols or pictures on the computer so they can recognise and relate to them. Partially sighted or registered blind learners can be assisted with voice activated computer programs. Using a multi-sensory approach to learning creates opportunities for learners to have ICT skills without needing advanced levels of technical skill. ASSESSEMENT 4 ANSWER 4. 1. †¢ Explain the three main types of assessments used and fully explain how you conduct, or could conduct, an initial assessment of learners. Assessment is a means by which evaluation is carried out on whether learning has taken place and the level of learning. It is also a means by which trainers are able to assess whether their training strategies and tactics are appropriate and effective. Initial or diagnostic assessments are conducted before a learner begins a course. It is an evaluation of a learner’s skills, knowledge, strengths and areas for development. ’ (Gravells, 2008 page 75). This assessment assists in the determination of training needs analysis. The information gathered assists the trainer in planning the material content, training methods and strategies to ensure that learners gained the maximum learning from trainings. Various methods are employed to achieve this objective. In some cases, the completion of a well structured and specifically designed application form followed by telephone interview is enough to complete this diagnosis. In orders, learners are invited to sit for written examination or examinations in addition to sitting for one or more face to face interviews and or skills or psychometric testing. The qualifications presented can provide information to trainer about the qualification attainment, at what level and how long ago the learner was in an academic environment. The written answers on the form can present trainers with the opportunity to evaluate the learners written English and presentation skills. Formative assessments are tools for progressive gauging of learning by learners and testing both learning strategy and tactics deployed by trainers. Trainers break their sessions into stages and at each turn examines whether learning has taken place before moving on into the next stage. The information derived from it allows both side in the learning process to know whether objectives are been met, whether to deploy more effective strategy, tactics and resources toward effective achievement of stated goals or to redefine or fine tone the goals (Minton 1991, pg 183). The benefit of formative assessment is that a teacher can continually evaluate the learner and correct learners’ mistakes. Formative assessment is often informal and very low key to the point of the learner being unaware of the assessment. It can be done by oral question and answers, group work, multiple-choice test, practical demonstrations, such as singing or acting. Summative assessments are used at the completion of a course. It is often formal and demanding and carried out under controlled exam conditions. They are used to generate a grade that reflects the learner’s performance. While most summative assessment takes this form, many have argued that the stress it generates among some group of learners who may suffer from one disability or another, does not make it a fair means of ascertaining the knowledge gained. Many have argued that it is fairer when it is combined with formative assessment. There are various ways of assessing a learner’s knowledge of a subject and competence. These can be by question and answer sessions, practical tasks, evidence from others, self-evaluation, observations, tasks and examinations. All of these methods of assessments have advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to keep records of these assessments to ascertain whether a learner Is learning from the course and if they are improving. Also, outside agencies such as governing bodies may want to see records of your learner’s performance as well as the leader of your facility. ANSWER 4. 2. †¢ Explain how you utilise assessment methods. Following assessment, it is vital that trainers give feedback to learners on their achievements. This can be presented verbally or in written format. In order not to de-motivate learners or destroy their confidence, such session should normally start with the presentation of the positive or strong points followed by the negative points. This should be followed by an agreement on how to improve the week points and how to keep up the good sides. Learners should always be encouraged to ask questions and to seek clarifications and trainers should be positive when stating areas for development. ’ (Gravells, 2008 pg 86). As a trainer, it has become very evident to me that assessment is a critical component of education. First, it is essential for a trainer to know the level of knowledge and potentials of the learners before learning materials are prepared. This includes the pace of delivery and the depth of information provided and the method of training. When delivering training, it is equally essential to continuously monitor progress in order to ascertain the level of learning. At the end of training, overall progress are assessed in order to be able to give feedback both to trainer and learners on the level of learning that has taken place and the success or failures of strategy and tactics. I will have to employ the three methods of assessments in my trainings. Each is important in the sectors of the training they serve. The three combined make an immense contribution to training efficiency. However, when working with adults with learning disabilities who have limited literacy skills it is often better to rely on practical tasks or question and answer sessions as the learners have often absorbed information more effectively if it has been given in a visual or oral manner. The information gathered from an initial assessment will provide me with a guide on how to plan the structure of the session. It could help in deciding the pace and the pitch of the session and also the choice of resources to use. Formative assessment can help the teacher to make informed decision on whether or not to progress with, or to re-teach and or to change the method and style of teaching. Once training is complete, summative assessment provides the trainer with the opportunity to assess the overall learning that has taken place, the overall assessment of the success or failure of strategies, tactics and choice of resources. The information received is also used to give feedbacks and suggestions on how learners could make further improvements. ANSWER 4. 3. †¢ Explain the importance and the requirement of keeping records including those relating to assessment. It is imperative that as a teacher I should complete and retain records on my learner’s assessments. This is evidence of how the learners are progressing. There are many other numerous reasons for a teacher to keep records. Records, such as assessment grades, registration details, class registers and learner information may need to be accessed at anytime by the teacher, learner, course leader or governing bodies. Therefore it is important to keep these records up to date. Good record keeping is critical to training. As such it is vital that records are kept by the trainer as part of a learners learning structure. This is because: i. Some schools and awarding bodies made record keeping and up to a given period mandatory. ii. It shows standardisation, meeting of criteria and form a vital part of the audit chain. iii. A good record of history of past events and a reference point. iv. Generally it aids efficiency and management of training resources. . It aids continuation if a staff is absent as records of the past can be accessed and follow. ANSWER 4. 4. †¢ Describe the types of records you would maintain. Some of the records to be kept are mandatory while others aid efficiency and good management. I will keep the following records: i. Summative assessments such as paper examinations. ii. Teaching logs, signed appeals procedures, application forms and funding documents. iii. Learnersâ€⠄¢ records (Gravells 2008:89), including application forms, progress sheets, contact details. Tracking sheet† of all learners` progress clearly identify their achievements over the teaching period as outlined in (Gravells 2008:89). In addition to this I also carry out and file their initial assessment that all the learners undertake at their interview this ascertains if they need extra support with their communication, numeracy, spelling, and social needs. I also complete an individual work plan with the learner, which gives timescales and work schedules needed to complete their apprenticeship. iv. Records of other trainers and resource sources will be kept. ASSESSMENT 5 †¢ Produce a scheme of work for a minimum of four seasons. †¢ Produce a session plan for your 30 minute micro-teach session. †¢ Use a range of teaching and learning approaches which engage and motivate the learners effectively. †¢ Demonstrate effective communication with learners. †¢ Observe a micro-teach session delivered by a member of your cohort and provide positive feedback. ANSWER 5. 1. †¢ Produce a scheme of work for a minimum of four seasons. A Scheme of Work is a document which allows the teacher to plan the overall programme for a learning project. Its component includes the programme title, how much time is available for each session, what are the learning outcomes being covered for each session, what topics will be covered and what resources are required. It could also include guiding learning hours, the assessment criteria being met and the Awarding Organisation issuing the certificate. [Morley Wordsworth 2010: p66]. In addition to the fact that some external verifiers demands for Scheme of Work, it enables the trainer, the verifiers and learners to have and to see that there are plans to cover the entire programme of study for the given subject. It ensures that session is planned at the appropriate level for learners, using an up-to-date scheme of work. Scheme of work Teacher: Trainer Date: 12 August 2011 Location: Croydon College Aim of session or course: To complete the theoretical training for the award of SIA Stage 2 Certificate in Door Supervisor. |Date |Session Title and Learning Outcome |Required Resources and Activities |Assessment |Remarks | |12 August 11 |Session 1: |PowerPoint, visual and verbal |Question and Answer | | | |Course introduction. Explain the |two-way communications, Flip |assessment. | | | |concept of security, the scope of |charts, Handbook, Learners to draw| | | | |the industry, the prevailing |on personal experiences and , Case| | | | |security needs and how it influences|Studies recorded from real | | | | |the review of the security |security operations. | | | |institutions. | | | | | |Give an overview of those changes | | | | | |including the advantages of and the | | | | | |needs for the training sessions. | | | |12 August 11 |Session2 |PowerPoint, visual and verbal |Question and Answer, role | | |[Second half of |Introduction to the organisations |two-way communications, group |play assessment. | | |the day |and legislators that guides the |discussion, group work and | | | |12-4. 0pm |security industry |demonstration/role play by | | | | | |students. | | | |13 August 2011 |Session3 |PowerPoint, DVD of recorded Case |Role play, Question and | | | |How to carry out a search, Types of |Studies, visual and verbal two-way|Answer assessment | | | searches, evacuation procedures, |communications, group discussion | | | | |dealing with fire and other |and demonstration/role play by | | | | |emergencies. |students. | | | |14 August 2011 |Session4 |PowerPoint, visual and verbal |Question and Answer | | | |Introduction to Conflict Management |two-way communications, group |assessment. Practice on | | | |and Communication |discussion, role play by students |old/similar question | | | |Examining core concepts in |Supportive CD/DVD information |papers | | | |communication | | | | | |Practical demonstration of case | | | | | |studies. | | | ANSWER 5. 2. †¢ Produce a session plan for your 30 minute micro-teach session. Session Plans give the detail on how each of the individual component parts of the Scheme of Work is delivered. With a session plan, a trainer is able to plan his work. He or she can in one glance see what is going to teach, how it is going to be thought, the resources that are available and how it’s going to be assessed. With this in hand a trainer is able to gauge the success of such training and if certain amendments are needed. In cases where amendment are needed, they are easily made and measured. Session plans also provides trainers with the opportunity to document the session, either for inspection or if a trainer is not able to turn up, another trainer is able to take up the task and be able to know what has been done, what needed to be done, how and when they are to be done. Teacher: A Trainer Date: 12 August 2011 Duration: 30 minutes Aim of session: To introduce the learners to the course Learning outcome(s): †¢ For learners to know each other and their trainer, Safety briefing and venue layout and to understood the Scheme of Work. To get to know each other through introductions which includes and icebreaker and safety briefing and venue layout. †¢ To agree on ground rules. |Timing |Teacher activities |Learner |Resources Required|Cater for |Assessment |Functional skills | | | |activities | |inclusion |methods |embedded | |10. 00 |Registration. |Writing, |Powerpoint |All learners |Questions a nd |Communication in | | | |Listening and|presentation, Pens|addressed and |answer. English and | | | |asking |and papers, Flip |question asked | |presentation skills | | | |question. |chart |to the entire | |demonstrated for | | | | | |group. | |learners to observe | |10. 06 |Teachers and |Listening and|Powerpoint |All learners |Questions and |Communication in | | |learner |asking |presentation, Pens|addressed and |answer. English and | | |introductions. |question. |and papers |question asked | |presentation skills | | |Safety briefing and| | |to the entire | |demonstrated for | | |venue layout | | |group. | |learners to observe | |10. 15 |Inform learners |Listening and|Powerpoint |All learners |Questions and |Communication in | | |about the awards, |asking |presentation |addressed and |answer. English and | | |the mandatory hours|question. | |question asked | |presentation skills | | |of classroom | | |to the entire | |demonstrated for | | |learning and | | |group. | |learners to observe | | |practical work and | | | | | | | |the assessments | | | | | | |10. 2 |Inform learners |Listening and|Powerpoint |All learners |Questions and |Communication in | | |about Scheme of |asking |presentation |addressed and |answer. |English and | | |Work and Sessions |question. | |question asked | |presentation skills | | |Plans | | |to the entire | |demonstrated for | | | | | |group. | |learners to observe | ANSWER 5. 3. †¢ Use a range of teaching and learning approaches which engage and motivate the learners effectively Learning is the process of changing behavior and there is a deep relationship between motivation and teaching-learning process because it is the process of fulfilling directed behavior. Modern psychologists have discovered that Human behavior, unlike lower animals varies according to situations and cannot be explained by a single mental aspect. So, modern psychologists have formed some inter-related concepts of human behavior. Motivation is one of such concepts. Motivation is the tendency to perform purposeful behavior; the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. Motivation oriented learning is very important for the success of the whole teaching-learning process. This is why mentor/apprentice programs work. The role of the teacher is to select proper incentives in order to create learning oriented motivation among students. Motivation can be broken down into two areas; intrinsic and extrinsic. The two are applicable to both trainer an learner but the trainer has to take the leading role in otivating itself and learners. Intrinsic motivation is achieved by gaining self-satisfaction through attaining a desired goal. Through and effective teaching, trainers can assist learners to develop confidence which can drive their intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is an external motivation which can be attained through recognition of work or achievements, praise or seeking a reward be it verbal, financial or an inan imate object. (Morley Wordsworth:2010, p84). It is driven mainly by feedback from both trainer and learner, in which case, both can benefit from such feedbacks. It is good for trainers to know that their hard works are being rewarded through the successes of learners and for learners to appreciate that their efforts are being appreciated. There are many forms of session delivery. Andragogy method as prescribed by Malcolm Knowles is referred to as â€Å"learner-centred† and â€Å"self-directed† teaching and learning (Malcolm Knowles  (1973), Morley Wordsworth 2011: 57-8). This method is based on the principles that mature learners want to take responsibility for their own learning and they are internally motivated. The learning environment is cooperative between trainer and learners and independent research is encouraged. Pedagogy or teacher-centred learning on the other hand places the emphasis on the teacher and views the learners as dependent on the teacher and the formal environment where the teacher dictates most if not all that happens reflect this principle. A third method is known as â€Å"Practical Skills Delivery† in which the method of transferring practical skills to learners uses a method called EDIP, which is an acronym for explanation, demonstration, imitation and practice: First, trainers explained the task from start to finish. He then demonstrates the task by breaking it down into stages and explaining once again in full and let the trainers ask questions. In the third stage, trainer narrates and carries out each stage of task whilst the learners imitate the process. The learners start to practice the skill whilst the teacher moves around the individuals or group offering guidance, feedback and confirmation. Finally once the both the trainer and learners are happy that they have mastered the process, assessment are conducted in which learners complete the task from start to finish without ny assistance from the trainer. Good communication is important to the success of this method. Another method is called â€Å"Differentiation/Inclusion†. It promotes that learners are individuals; the session planning must take into consideration, their needs, such as styles of learners. It also promotes differing classroom activities so that learners can take a certain responsibility for their own learning, such a s research or group work. (Morley Wordsworth 2011: 57-8). Once I have identified the needs of the learners and planned and designed my course I will proceed to deliver it. I will seek to use the learning methods that enhance their ability to achieve the most from the course. My training method will be interactive, starting with low pace and seeking to know the practical experiences of learners. Ground rules will be jointly approved and my position will be clear on why there will be zero tolerance for any form of discrimination. With this approach, learners will develop more confidence. Group work will be encouraged, but I will rotate members in order to promote inclusion. My teaching style would be mainly andragogical because, been an apprentice is a hand’s on role, this will allow the learner to carry out the task therefore learning the theory and learning how to apply those theories. In terms of learning styles, I will deploy all the three styles; visual, audio and kinaesthetic. I would deliver the theory, view videos and show practical examples and give the learner the opportunity to carry out the task themselves. I will allow my assessment of the group to determine the ice breaker to use, but my objective will be to run an inclusive training through the distribution of ability and cultural mix and to encourage them to feel free to communicate and to get to know me and fellow learners. I will also define my pace and pitch of delivery, which will be influenced by the learning needs of the students and group dynamics. In setting my ground rules, I will be guided by two factors; the safety of all parties involved in the learning process. This will required that some rules are rigidly implemented. I will also be guided by the need to involve learners in negotiation over other issues, such as answering mobile phone, leaving early, etc. ANSWER 5. 4. †¢ Demonstrate effective communication with learners. Communication has been defined as the process of transmitting information from one person to another (Weick and Browning 1986, p244). This however, is the simplistic definition which covers only the issue of transmission where it is only understood by the sender. More penetrating definition usually points out that the ‘meaning’ rather than just information must be conveyed. As such communication is a process in which information and its meaning is conveyed by a sender to receiver(s). Effective communication on the other hand is the extent to which the sender and receiver of a message both attribute it with the same meaning. The effectiveness and success of learning defined as the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, practice, or study, or by being taught; strongly depend on effective communication. It is a skill which every trainer must acquire. I will demonstrate effective communication with learners through the followings: I will seek to establish a common ground by letting the learners know that, in addition to my two post-graduate certificates, I had done practical security work in the past. This should motivate them to know that I’m talking from experience and that with commitment they too can be an achiever in this profession. I will tell them about the pass rate and the need to listen and to work hard and my commitment toward their achieving their goals. I will also tell them that any of them who need additional support could meet me at break time. My dressing will be formal on the first day, wearing suit and this level of formality will be reduce for the remaining days. I will let them address me by my first name and will address them by their prefer first names. I will encourage a two way communication with learners and use the correct tone and pitch and adjust my communication to the group. I will actively listening to learners and this will include sensitivity to their cultural and religious body and verbal communications. I will maintain eye contact and will appreciate the cultural space of the learners and their cultures. In order to maintain the concentration of the learners, I will use mixed training methods; such as verbal communications, role play, group work, icebreaker and energiser. I will seek to develop good interpersonal relationship with learners through being myself, by ‘prizing learners’ and showing emphatic understanding toward them. I believe this will positively affect the effectiveness of my communication. On the role of interpersonal relationship in the facilitation of learning, Carl observed that a facilitator should be real. When the facilitator is a real person, being what she is, entering into a relationship with the learner without presenting a front or a facade, she is much more likely to be effective. † She should be â€Å"prizing the learner, prizing her feelings, her opinions, her person†. â€Å"It is a caring for the learner, but a non-possessive caring. † The facilitator’s prizing or acceptance of the learner is an operational expres sion of her essential confidence and trust in the capacity of the human organism. She should also show emphatic understanding â€Å"[Students feel deeply appreciative] when they are simply understood  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ not evaluated, not judged, simply understood from their  own point of view, not the teacher’s. (Rogers 1967 304-311) and Rogers, C (1983). ANSWER 5. 5. Observe a micro-teach session delivered by a member of your cohort and provide positive feedback. †¢ Trainer’s body language, verbal and non verbal was radiant and reassuring. †¢ The introduction was positive, through a bit too long. †¢ The decision to give the first handout at the end of the lectures was good as it did not distract learners. The powerPoint was clear and bold. †¢ A few of the recent immigrants find it difficult to understand some the assumed grammars which are in actual fact idiomatic expressions. ASSESSEMENT 6 †¢ Explain and justify the reasons behind your choice of teaching and learning approaches. †¢ Review and evaluate your choice of resour ces for your delivered session. †¢ Explain how you gave constructive feedback. †¢ Explain how you will use the feedback received to improve your teaching in the future. ANSWER 6. 1. †¢ Explain and justify the reasons behind your choice of teaching and learning approaches For my teaching session I have chosen to use a combination of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic teaching methods to make sure I incorporated as many learning styles as possible to make the class inclusive. By formative assessment I can vary my technique to suit the learners. Teaching Approach 1: Verbal Communication Reason: Verbal communication can be defined as communicating your thoughts through words. Such thoughts may be ideas, opinions, directions, dissatisfaction, objections, your emotions and pleasures. It provides better interaction and opportunity for formative assessment. By asking open questions I can provide additional information and feedback. I can hold group discussion to encourage learners to discuss in an open format the application of the learning and how it could be used in their activities. It will also provide me with the opportunity to use case studies which allows in-depth analysis that has immediate impact to be made. Teaching Approach 2: Assignment Reason: I will provide assignment for the learners. This will enables me to assess whether they understand the role of the work. This will provide a good feedback for me. Teaching Approach 3: Role Play Reason: Role-play is one of the teaching and learning tools in the field of experiential learning, which allows students to try new skills, attitudes and behaviours and move beyond their â€Å"normal† behaviour, that is established, tried and trusted views, reactions and arguments. These experiments are powerful ways of learning and can provide numerous insights into learners’ own traits and behaviours and unfamiliar situations. It will also allow learners to demonstrate their knowledge of the subject and to ensure participation without putting any learner under pressure. During the practical activities I will be able to assess by observation individual learner’s progress and ability which will allow me to provide constructive feedback. Teaching Resource 1: Projector Reason: I used a projector to show the pres How to cite Ptlls Level 3, Papers

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